There are a number of unique identifiers on Better Life products that can help us understand more about the product. Here is how to understand what these identifiers mean:
Manufacturing location, indicated by a series of letters
- Example: BHI = produced at Better Life HQ in Grand Rapids, MI
Manufacturing date: indicated by a series of three to five numbers in Julian date style
- Example: 20134 = manufactured on the 134th day of 2020 (May 13, 2020)
- It should typically always start with 20/21/22/23 to indicate that it was manufactured between 2020 and 2023.
Time stamp: indicated by a series of four numbers and based on a 24-hour clock
- This refers to the time of day that it was manufactured. It is not relevant for customer use, but it gives you an understanding of what the number means if asked.
- Example: 0646 = 6:46 AM
Batch Number: indicated by a series of numbers and letters
- Example: 90159-E